USB disk must be formatted in FAT32 as per EFI specifications to boot under EFI.

added internal check for NT6 sources with multiple boot.wim, only default osloader entry in BCD store and the corresponding boot.wim will be added.For non boot-critical drivers (Lan, WLan, Video etc.), have a look here Loaded drivers will be staged and available to the OS being installed. Use it to add USB, SATA/SCSI or Chipset/USB drivers for example. Only drivers for present devices will be loaded. These drivers are added in boot.wim and loaded with DrvLoad before start of Setup, scratch space is increased accordingly. added advanced option to add custom folder with boot critical drivers for NT6 sources (Vista and later).

added better handling for Kon-Boot, source is to be added as ISO file using the Linux/Other ISO option.Each source has its own persistence space associated with it added advanced option for adding persistence partition for Linux sources.added better handling of illegal characters for Linux/Other ISO source file name.